
Anti-Bribery Management System

ABCSP01 - IJM Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy_v001

ABCSP02 - Code of Business Conduct for Third Party v2.0

ABCSP03 - Code of Conduct and Ethics for Employees v2.0

ABCSP05 - Dawn Raid Policy v2.0

ABMS Manual (Controlled Copy)

Kuantan Port Certificate ISO37001 CA22

MAN-T-002-01 Anti Bribery Policy

Gift Policy

Kuantan Port does not prohibit gifts, hospitality and entertainment offered and/or received in the normal course of business.


All gifts received and/or offered shall be recorded in a Gift Register.


Type of gift, hospitality and entertainment strictly prohibited:

  • Illegal or in breach of any laws, regulations or rules;
  • Offered to a Government Official to facilitate or expedite a routine procedure;
  • Involving parties currently engaged in a tender or competitive bidding process;
  • Gifts made in cash or cash equivalent i.e. anything that can be easily converted to cash;
  • A “quid pro quo”, i.e. something offered in return of something else such as business advantage; and
  • Paid for personally to avoid having to declare or seek approval.


Whistleblowing Policy

Whistleblowing Form

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